Golf New Brunswick Policies
Please note that some Golf NB policies housed on this page are currently being re-formatted. Re-formatted versions of the policies will be uploaded when available.
Provincial Policies
Tournament & Competition Policies
National Championship & Provincial Team Policies
Safe Sport Policies
Golf New Brunswick (Golf NB) has a fundamental obligation and responsibility to protect the health, safety, and physical and mental well-being of athletes, staff, volunteers and other participants involved in its activities.
Golf NB takes any situation involving misconduct or maltreatment very seriously. For this reason, Golf NB is committed to enacting and enforcing strong, clear, and effective policies and processes for preventing and addressing all forms of misconduct or maltreatment.
These Safe Sport policies collectively promote a Safe Sport environment by communicating expected standards of behaviour. These policies also Golf NB– including, but not limited to athletes, coaches, officials, employees, volunteers, and parents/guardians of athletes – wish to report any instance of misconduct or maltreatment, they may do so directly to Golf President, VP and/or Executive Director, The Executive will then refer to this document to determine the appropriate forum and manner to address the report.
Golf NB also recognizes and complies with Version 5.1 of the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS).
- Our Commitment
- Definitions – Conduct
- Definitions – Policy
- Code of Conduct & Ethics
- Appeal Policy & Procedure
- Discipline & Complaints Policy & Procedure
- Dispute Resolution Policy
- Athlete Protection Policy
- Reciprocation Policy
- Social Media Policy
- Screening Policy
- Whistleblower Policy
Volunteer Policies
Interested in volunteering ? Please CLICK HERE to learn more about volunteer opportunities with Golf NB.
Strategic Plan