th, Premier Blaine Higgs announced the implementation of the third phase (Yellow) of business reactivation in New Brunswick as of Friday, May 22nd. New Brunswickers can expect the modified re-opening of services and business such as personal service businesses, swimming pools, saunas, waterparks, gyms, yoga studios, and dance studios, rinks, and indoor recreational facilities, pool halls, bowling alleys, and low contact team sports, among others, the transition to Phase 3 of COVID-19 recovery has also loosened restrictions on golf courses.
Under Phase 3 (Yellow), individuals are still required to maintain maintaining physical distancing measures along with continued adherence to the general guidelines from Public Health and the Guidelines for New Brunswick Workplaces issued by WorkSafe NB. During Phase 2 of COVID-19 recovery, Golf facilities were granted permission to prepare an operational plan that meets or exceeds the general guidelines from Public Health. As the province moves into the Yellow Phase of NB’s COVID-19 Recovery, the following that could impact golf courses in NB;
- Extension of Bubble Families to Family and Friends Bubble
Your household bubble will be extended to all close friends and family that you would normally see on a regular basis. These will no longer be exclusive. Large gatherings beyond that circle would be discouraged.
- Increased Gatherings with Physical Distancing of 50 or fewer
Public gatherings with physical distancing of 50 or fewer are now allowed. This will make it possible for larger religious services, weddings, and funerals to take place. The limit on gatherings will be reviewed on a regular basis according to risk based on the evolution of the situation in New Brunswick. – Expected to be announced on Friday, May 29th
For additional information on businesses and impacts of the third phase of business reactivation please
While golf clubs have been given increased flexibility, services will vary from club to club. Golfers should note that there are several restrictions that are still in place, which for the time being will be consistent across the province, including but not limited too;
- Power Carts may only be used by one individual for the duration of the round.
- Note: Exceptions are in place for members of the same household or Family & Friends Bubble.
- Flag Sticks – Golfers can continue to expect to be asked not to touch the flagstick, and to leave the flag still in the cup at all times.
- Raised Cups – Raised cups are no longer required, but golfers can expect to see facilities continue to reduce a golfer’s ability to remove their ball from the hole. Clubs may choose to use a “hands-free” ball retrieval device or may continue to block the cup entirely.
- Washrooms – Golfers can expect continued restrictions on access to washrooms and locker rooms.
Please contact your favorite facilities for available services and restrictions and stay connected to our social media channels and website for continued updates regarding the 2020 season.
Orange), several activities and openings are permitted, subject to maintaining physical distancing measures, general guidelines from Public Health and the Guidelines for New Brunswick Workplaces issued by WorkSafe NB” (Health, Office of the Premier, COVID-19 – May 8, 2020). Golf facilities are now able to prepare an operational plan that meets or exceeds the general guidelines from Public Health paving the way for;
- Reduced Tee Time Intervals
- Opening of Pro Shops (Retail)
- Expanded Food & Beverage Services (Restaurants)
“Golf will not be business as usual,” said Tyson Flinn, Executive Director of Golf NB. “We are still very early in the process and each club will be able to offer different service levels based on their individual capacities. Patience will be very important as the industry continues to change throughout the season, but for now, we are pleased to know that golf facilities now have a greater latitude to provide a safe and efficient golfing experience for players.”
While golf clubs have been given flexibility, and services will vary from club to club, golfers should note that there are several restrictions that are still in place, and which for the time being will be consistent across the province, including but not limited too;
- Power Carts may only be used by one individual for the duration of the round.
- Note: Exceptions are in place for members of the same household.
- Flag Sticks – Golfers can continue to expect to be asked not to touch the flagstick, and to leave the flag still in the cup at all times.
- Raised Cups – Raised cups are no longer required, but golfers can expect to see facilities continue to reduce a golfer’s ability to remove their ball from the hole. Clubs may choose to use a “hands-free” ball retrieval device or may continue to block the cup entirely.
- Washrooms – Golfers can expect continued restrictions on access to washrooms and locker rooms.
Please contact your favorite facilities for available services and restrictions and stay connected to our social media channels and website for continued updates regarding the 2020 season.]]>
th, Premier Blaine Higgs announced that golf courses will be included in the first phase of business reactivation in New Brunswick. In his statement, Premier Higgs confirmed that golf courses would be able to resume operations at their discretion under specified restrictions as provided by the Province of New Brunswick and the office of the Chief Medical Officer.
- CLICK HERE for the latest COVID-19 Update from the Province of New Brunswick
- CLICK HERE for a full “Guidance Document of General Public Health Measures During COVID-19 Recovery” as per from the Province of New Brunswick
- CLIQUEZ ICI pour le “Document d’orientation des mesures générales de santé publique pendant la récupération de COVID-19” complet, selon la province du Nouveau-Brunswick
While we are pleased that our sport is part of the initial services to be re-opened in Phase 1 of the provinces’ plan, the re-opening of services remains a fluid situation with a number of details yet to come.
Golf NB is currently in consultation with the Province of New Brunswick, our member clubs, and partner associations to ensure the health and safety of players and staff remains a top priority as golf courses in our province open in the upcoming weeks.
Please stay connected to our social media channels and
website for more information regarding the opening of golf courses for the 2020 season.
Province of New Brunswick – State of Emergency
On March 19, 2020 the Province of New Brunswick declared the State of Emergency and ordered the closure, or modification, of a great number of industries in the province. On April 16, 2020, Premier Blaine Higgs extended New Brunswick’s State of Emergency for an additional two week period, through April 30, 2020 and noted that the “order will be reassessed after two weeks and will be extended as needed.”
For the time being, as per Section 5 of the Province of New Brunswick’s
Declaration of a State of Emergency and Revised Mandatory Order issued March 25, 2020, all Golf Courses are to remain closed until further notice;
Renewed and Revised Mandatory Order (COVID-19)
Section 5) All swimming pools, spas, saunas, dance studios, rinks and arenas, tennis courts, soccer and baseball fields, climbing walls, escape rooms, ski hills, golf courses, arcades, amusement centers, pool halls, bowling alleys, casinos, cinemas, libraries, museums, zoos, aquaria, barbers, hairstylists, esthetics service providers, pet groomers, sugar bush operations (public-admitting portions), and theatres or other live performance venues are prohibited from admitting patrons.
As mandated by the Province of New Brunswick – individuals are prohibited from playing golf on public or private golf courses during the Declaration of a State of Emergency and Revised Mandatory Order, until New Brunswick golf courses are given permission to open.
Golf NB shares in the disappointment of those affected by the current State of Emergency in the Province and thank all for their understanding during this extraordinary time.]]>
Golf Manager will work diligently to create an enjoyable atmosphere and a memorable experience for all members, players and customers. The Golf Manager will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the golf course. In this role, the Golf Manager will also develop business development strategies to maximize revenue and profitability while ensuring exceptional customer service. Specifically, areas of responsibility for the role include Golf Course Management, Facilities Management, Employee Management, Customer Service, Business Development and Vendor Management.
Additional job information and an outline of responsibilities can be obtained by emailing:
Deadline for applications: Thursday, April 23, 2020]]>
The Golf NB 2020 Spring Madness Bracket Challenge started on March 24th, 2020 with 44 NB Golf Courses set to go head-to-head in a single-elimination knockout bracket challenge, based purely on public votes.
This year’s challenge had it all, we witnessed David versus Goliath match-ups, last-minute finishes, local community support, and multiple storybook underdog upsets. After over 50,000 public votes throughout our first five rounds, we were left with our Championship Final Match-Up:
After 48 hours of online voting, there could only be one course left standing. With over 2,000 votes, we are proud to crown Covered Bridge Golf & Country Club our 2020 Spring Madness Bracket Challenge Champions.
Located in Hartland, New Brunswick; home of the Longest Covered Bridge in the World. This 18-hole, 6,609-yard championship course first opened for play in 1993 and proudly hosted the 2019 Canadian Junior Boys Championship. The course overlooks the beautiful Saint John River Valley with some of the most picturesque scenery in Atlantic Canada.
Golf NB would like to thank all of our member facilities and public voters who participated in this friendly interactive competition. We look forward to the 2021 Spring Madness Bracket Challenge and have high hopes we will all be returning to the game of golf and our local courses in the near future. We all need to be #Golftimistic
2020 Spring Madness Bracket Challenge. Over the upcoming weeks, we will be running an interactive bracket challenge done through online voting on our Facebook Page.
The bracket includes all 44 Golf Courses in New Brunswick. There are 20 first-round byes that have been awarded to the last 20 courses to have hosted or are scheduled to host Golf NB Events. Online Facebook Voting will last 48 hours per round, individuals will be able to vote on each match up in every round and are encouraged to LIKE, FOLLOW, & SHARE to other golf fans.
Thank you to everyone who voted in the first four rounds!
Golf NB Office Closure – Immediately through May 3, 2020
The Golf NB office will be closed to the public through May 3, 2020. The situation will be re-evaluated as of April 30, 2020 for further action.
While the Golf NB offices will be closed to the public, Golf NB continues to plan for the 2020 golf season and staff will remain available to provide support and answer any questions via normal communication methods.
Golf New Brunswick
Phone: 506-451-1324
Golf NB Handicap Certification Seminars – March 21, 28 & April 18, 2020
All Golf NB Handicap Certification Seminars have been postponed until further notice. The committee’s decision will be re-evaluated as of April 30, 2020 for further action.
In the meantime, there are several online resources that clubs can access in order to familiarize themselves with the new World Handicap System. While these resources will not result in “Certification” they will provide a solid knowledge base for facilities to bridge the gap until certification seminars can be rescheduled.
- Washington State Golf Association (You Tube Presentation) – CLICK HERE
- R & A – World Handicap System Videos – CLICK HERE
- Rules of Handicapping – Effective January 2020 – CLICK HERE
- Golf Canada Handicapping Information – CLICK HERE
Golf NB Spring Board of Directors Meeting – April 25, 2020
The 2020 Golf NB Spring Board of Directors Meeting has been POSTPONED.
Golf NB will NOT hold a “Face to Face” 2020 Golf NB Spring Board of Directors Meeting, but will instead explore the option of holding a streamlined Spring Board of Directors Meeting, either via conference call or webinar to ensure that required business is conducted.
Additional information will be provided to facilities as it becomes available.
2020 Golf NB Events & Championships
Golf New Brunswick (Golf NB) will make decisions regarding individual events and championships a minimum of 3 weeks in advance of the championship.
Golf NB strongly recommends that competitors enter any events scheduled in which they intend to play this season.
In the event Golf NB cancels the event or the competitor needs to withdraw, entry fees will be 100% refunded.
Decisions on whether an event will proceed will be made and communicated to each competitor no later than
3 weeks prior to the start of the event.
As an example, the NB Men’s Four Ball is scheduled to start Saturday May 23, 2020. Golf NB will advise no later than Saturday May 2, 2020 if the event will be held. Refunds of entry fees will be processed as soon as possible in the event of cancellation.
Golf NB reserves the right to cancel any Golf NB event or championship should the registered number of competitors be insufficient to justify holding the event at the conclusion of registration. In general, Golf NB will require 25% of the maximum field as outlined in the Tournament Information Page for each event.
If Golf NB cancels the event as a result of insufficient registrations, entry fees will be 100% refunded.
This procedure will remain in place through the balance of the championship season.
Championships will be cancelled not postponed.
Considering the heightened global concerns surrounding COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Golf New Brunswick (Golf NB) is closely monitoring Health Canada and Government resources as well as consulting with our partners including Golf Canada, all Provincial Golf Associations, Sport NB and the other Provincial Sport Organizations in New Brunswick.
COVID-19 is something that the entire sport and golf community both internationally and domestically are taking seriously, especially with respect to the health and well-being of our people as well as any potential impact on our athletes or events.
Golf NB strongly recommends that everyone follow the recommendations from the
New Brunswick Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Heath and the
World Health Organization as we all do our part to help slow the spread of the virus;
- Wash hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water or use an alcohol-hand sanitizer
- Cover your mouth and nose when you cough, or sneeze
- If you don’t have a tissue, sneeze or cough into your sleeve
- Stay at home when you are sick
Golf NB would like to thank you for your patience, support, and understanding and we wish each of you and families and friends all the best in these difficult times.
Please direct any questions by email to:
Tyson Flinn
Luke Lacey]]>
Fermeture du bureau de Golf NB – Immédiatement jusqu’au 3 mai 2020
Le bureau de Golf NB sera fermé au public jusqu’au 3 mai 2020. La situation sera réévaluée à partir du 30 avril 2020 en vue d’une action ultérieure.
Bien que les bureaux de Golf NB soient fermés au public, Golf NB continue à planifier la saison de golf 2020 et le personnel restera disponible pour fournir un soutien et répondre à toute question par les moyens de communication habituels.
Golf Nouveau-Brunswick
Courriel :
Téléphone : 506-451-1324
Séminaires de certification des handicaps de Golf NB – 21 et 28 mars et 18 avril 2020
Tous les séminaires de certification des handicaps de Golf NB ont été reportés jusqu’à nouvel ordre. La décision du comité sera réévaluée à partir du 30 avril 2020 en vue d’une action ultérieure.
En attendant, il existe plusieurs ressources en ligne auxquelles les clubs peuvent accéder afin de se familiariser avec le nouveau Système universel de handicap. Bien que ces ressources n’aboutissent pas à une “certification”, elles fourniront une base de connaissances solide pour les clubs afin que les séminaires de certification puissent être reprogrammés.
- Association de golf de l’État de Washington (En anglais seulement) – CLIQUEZ ICI
- R & A – Vidéos sur le système mondial des handicaps (En anglais seulement) – CLIQUEZ ICI
- Règles relatives aux handicaps – En vigueur à partir de janvier 2020 – CLIQUEZ ICI
- Informations sur les handicaps de Golf Canada – CLIQUEZ ICI
Réunion de printemps du conseil d’administration de Golf NB – 25 avril 2020
La réunion du printemps 2020 du conseil d’administration de Golf NB a été REPOUSSÉ.
Golf NB n’organisera PAS un réunion “face à face” du conseil d’administration de printemps de Golf NB 2020, mais étudiera plutôt la possibilité d’organiser une réunion de printemps simplifiée du conseil d’administration, soit par conférence téléphonique ou soit par webinaire, afin de s’assurer que les affaires nécessaires sont traitées.
Des informations supplémentaires seront fournies aux installations au fur et à mesure qu’elles seront disponibles.
Événements et championnats de Golf NB 2020
Les décisions concernant le déroulement d’un événement seront prises et communiquées à chaque concurrent au plus tard 3 semaines avant le début de l’événement.
Nous recommandons vivement aux compétiteurs de s’inscrire à tous les événements prévus auxquels ils ont l’intention de participer cette saison.
Si Golf NB annule l’événement ou si le concurrent doit se retirer, les frais d’inscription seront remboursés à 100 %.
Les décisions concernant le déroulement d’un événement seront prises et communiquées à chaque concurrent au plus tard
3 semaines avant le début de l’événement.
À titre d’exemple, le NB Four Ball masculin doit commencer le samedi 23 mai 2020. Golf NB informera au plus tard le samedi 2 mai 2020 si l’événement aura lieu. Les remboursements des droits d’inscription seront traités dès que possible en cas d’annulation.
Golf NB se réserve le droit d’annuler un événement ou championnat si le nombre de participants inscrits est insuffisant pour justifier la tenue de l’événement à la fin de l’inscription. En général, Golf NB exigera 25 % d’inscription maximum, comme indiqué sur la page d’information du tournoi pour chaque événement.
Si Golf NB annule l’événement en raison d’un nombre insuffisant d’inscriptions, les droits d’inscription seront remboursés à 100 %.
Cette procédure restera en vigueur jusqu’à la fin de la saison du championnat.
Les championnats seront annulés et non reportés.
Compte tenu des préoccupations mondiales accrues concernant le COVID-19 (coronavirus), Golf Nouveau-Brunswick (Golf NB) surveille de près les ressources de Santé Canada et du gouvernement et consulte Golf Canada, toutes les associations provinciales de golf, Sport NB et les autres organismes provinciaux de sport du Nouveau-Brunswick.
La communauté sportive et de golf, tant au niveau international que national, prend au sérieux la virus Covid-19, surtout en ce qui concerne la santé et le bien-être de notre population ainsi que tout impact potentiel sur nos athlètes ou nos événements.
En attendant, Golf NB recommande vivement à tous de suivre les recommandations du
Bureau du médecin hygiéniste en chef du Nouveau-Brunswick et de l’
Organisation mondiale de la santé, car nous faisons tous notre part pour aider à ralentir la propagation du virus ;
- Se laver les mains fréquemment et soigneusement avec de l’eau et du savon ou utiliser un désinfectant pour les mains à base d’alcool
- Couvrez votre bouche et votre nez lorsque vous toussez ou éternuez
- Si vous n’avez pas de mouchoir, éternuez ou toussez dans votre manche
- Restez à la maison lorsque vous êtes malade
Golf NB tient à vous remercier pour votre patience, votre soutien et votre compréhension et nous souhaitons à chacun d’entre vous, ainsi qu’à vos familles et amis, tout le succès possible en ces temps difficiles.
Veuillez adresser vos questions par courrier électronique à :
Tyson Flinn
Luke Lacey]]>
All are welcomed to participate.