th, Premier Blaine Higgs announced the implementation of the third phase (Yellow) of business reactivation in New Brunswick as of Friday, May 22nd. New Brunswickers can expect the modified re-opening of services and business such as personal service businesses, swimming pools, saunas, waterparks, gyms, yoga studios, and dance studios, rinks, and indoor recreational facilities, pool halls, bowling alleys, and low contact team sports, among others, the transition to Phase 3 of COVID-19 recovery has also loosened restrictions on golf courses. Under Phase 3 (Yellow), individuals are still required to maintain maintaining physical distancing measures along with continued adherence to the general guidelines from Public Health and the Guidelines for New Brunswick Workplaces issued by WorkSafe NB. During Phase 2 of COVID-19 recovery, Golf facilities were granted permission to prepare an operational plan that meets or exceeds the general guidelines from Public Health. As the province moves into the Yellow Phase of NB’s COVID-19 Recovery, the following that could impact golf courses in NB;
- Extension of Bubble Families to Family and Friends Bubble Your household bubble will be extended to all close friends and family that you would normally see on a regular basis. These will no longer be exclusive. Large gatherings beyond that circle would be discouraged.
- Increased Gatherings with Physical Distancing of 50 or fewer Public gatherings with physical distancing of 50 or fewer are now allowed. This will make it possible for larger religious services, weddings, and funerals to take place. The limit on gatherings will be reviewed on a regular basis according to risk based on the evolution of the situation in New Brunswick. – Expected to be announced on Friday, May 29th
- Power Carts may only be used by one individual for the duration of the round.
- Note: Exceptions are in place for members of the same household or Family & Friends Bubble.
- Flag Sticks – Golfers can continue to expect to be asked not to touch the flagstick, and to leave the flag still in the cup at all times.
- Raised Cups – Raised cups are no longer required, but golfers can expect to see facilities continue to reduce a golfer’s ability to remove their ball from the hole. Clubs may choose to use a “hands-free” ball retrieval device or may continue to block the cup entirely.
- Washrooms – Golfers can expect continued restrictions on access to washrooms and locker rooms.