Golf, played well… Or not so well, has immense health benefits
-KAHNAWAKE, Quebec: SEPT 14, 2017
Canadian men's Senior Championship
Championnat canadien sénior masculin
The Kanawaki Golf Club
“Both physically and mentally, it is a wonderful sport for men and women and it definitely promotes health,” says Dr. Larry Goldenberg, a Vancouver urologist who is co-founder of the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation. “From a pure health point of view it’s an exercise and exercise equals longevity, it equals better mental health at all ages.
“I like to put it this way when it comes to exercise. If I said I had a pill that you had to take every day and it would decrease your risk of colon cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, heart attacks, stroke, would you take that pill? Well, that pill is called exercise. There is enough literature out there, there are enough studies out there to prove that without any doubt regular exercise can promote every form of health, including decreasing the risk of dementia and slowing the progress of many neurological diseases.”
Regular golfers don’t have to be convinced about how good the game has been for them. It can certainly be frustrating on those days when the ball just won’t go where it’s supposed to, but they know that even on the bad days the game gives them back so much.
Doug Stone, a 75-year-old White Rock resident, doesn’t have many bad days on the golf course. His handicap is in the low single digits and he often shoots his age at his home course, Peace Portal, where he frustrates his fellow members who regularly must dig into their wallets following a round with Stone.
Stone is in great physical shape and he credits golf with helping him stay that way. “Golf has been an important factor in my physical and mental health,” Stone says. “I currently play three times a week at Peace Portal. Each round is in a competitive environment. I push my cart and never ride. Peace Portal has a number of short, steep hills that are perfect for increasing my cardio-vascular capacity.
“Mentally, golf demands constant focus and decision-making that can only be helpful for one’s mental health. It also provides for socialization with fellow competitors. This has proven to be a godsend during the current pandemic crisis. . .without my ridiculous obsession with golf, this 75-year-old body would not be as healthy as it is today.”
Kris Jonasson, chief executive officer of British Columbia Golf, knows from personal experience that golf has significant health benefits. “It’s not a secret I have multiple sclerosis,” Jonasson says. “I walk today because I wanted to play golf, so it has had a huge benefit to me. I also read the research on and am amazed at all the positive benefits we have the data to prove. Parkinson’s, dementia and hundreds of other health issues can be helped with a little exposure to golf. It’s not how good you are at golf, it’s how well golf improves your life.”
Jonasson says most golfers recognize the health benefits they get from playing the game. But he knows the industry still has work to do in promoting those mental and physical health benefits to others. “I think we are just starting to discuss the health benefits of golf,” he says. “Golf and Health Week was launched in 2019 and Brooke Henderson is one of the ambassadors. Ironically, Golf and Health week in 2020 was postponed because of the pandemic.”
Goldenberg, through his work with prostate cancer patients, also knows golf can play a role in recovering from a major illness. “There are a lot of men who have had prostate cancer who golf regularly,” he says. “That is the demographic I work in, the 50- to 80-year-old male and a lot of them play golf. And I think golf helps in the healing process, it helps get them outside, it helps them adapt to the new cancer world they are now in. So I think it helps people fight off depression, anxiety and stress.”
Don Griffiths can attest to that. Griffiths, a former president of the Royal Canadian Golf Association (now Golf Canada), has had a life-long love affair with the game. He played on the University of B.C. golf team back in late 1950s and early 1960s and now, at age 82, still plays three or four times a week at his home course, Point Grey Golf & Country Club in Vancouver. He walks every step of the way and carries his own clubs.
Griffiths thinks golf has helped him live a long life. It also aided in his recovery from a major health issue, when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer 13 years ago. “There was a bit of a delay after surgery until I was able get back to playing, but once I did I felt it was doing me good to get out there and play,” Griffiths says.
“I think golf was one of the things that kept me going. To me, golf is a wonderful game, not only the physical aspect of it, but the mental aspect of it. Getting out there and communicating with my golfing friends is something I really enjoy.”
Dr. Saul Isserow, director of the Centre for Cardiovascular Health at Vancouver General Hospital, says simple common sense suggests that golf, as an exercise, has profound benefits for one’s cardiovascular health. But Isserow, himself an avid player, knows the game also has immense social benefits, “One would think the benefit of social interaction are as much of a benefit as the exercise,” Isserow says.
So the fact is, golf is far from a good walk spoiled. No matter your score or skill level, just remember the game is good for you.]]>
1. The ability to get together with friends
The only place to get a group of guys or group of girls together—all from outside their family/household bubbles—for a couple of hours and have fun is on the golf course.
“The reality is that there are few activities available right now where people can get together and enjoy the company of friends and family,” says Brian Decker, the director of marketing and communications at TPC Toronto at Osprey Valley. “Golf is uniquely positioned to give people a safe way to do just that, and we feel that if we can give people an outlet to get away from the stresses of this crisis, we’re playing a small role in our collective recovery,”
As millennials, we’re used to having constant connection with people.
Sure, we have been able to digitally connect with our colleagues and have made headway in virtual game nights or catch-up drinks over the last 90 days or so, but there’s nothing like in-person connection. Playing golf allows for that.
2. Digital-first communication
Millennials are strapped to their phone—there’s no way around that. It’s not as though phone usage should be looked as a negative, either. Phones these days are used for banking and work connections, not just games or dating apps.
Golf courses have done a fantastic job with their digital communication strategies as they open across Canada in the time of COVID-19.
You’d be hard-pressed not to find courses using new features on Instagram, like the ‘Story’ function to show the different things golfers can expect at clubs upon arrival and through their round during the time of COVID-19.
“All of our member communication about our COVID-19 procedures has been done through our broadcast emails. We have also used video and provided the links,” says Dave Fox, the general manager at Islington Golf Club.
While many golf courses struggled to dedicate time and personal to marketing and communications, one thing COVID-19 has helped to boost is the social and digital relevancy of golf clubs.
This is a positive as many millennials, and many for the first time, will be searching and following golf courses they want to play. The information provided, through digital and social channels, is the perfect way to connect with millennials.
3. Social Sharing
Millennials are the earliest adaptors of social media, and as such, there are approximately 3.5 billion millennial social media users in the world. Golf provides the perfect canvas for millennials to want to share their experiences on social media.
Whether you’ve been able to get together with your friends for the first time in months, you’ve been able to buy a beer from a bar (or in this case, a halfway house or clubhouse) for the first time this summer, or you’ve caught the perfect late-afternoon light—posting about your day on a golf course is millennial friendly.
“Social media has always been a priority for us in communicating/marketing to the travelling golfer,” says Mark McLane, the executive director of Golf Prince Edward Island, who says the agency’s Facebook page prompted nearly 20,000 website views in April alone.
McLane says—with only 27 coronavirus cases on PEI and no deaths—the islands reputation for safety and tranquility has promoted groups who usually travel internationally (including to the U.S.) for golf wishing to come to the island.
A Canadian golf trip experience is an ideal platform for social sharing, and whether it’s wrapped in food, friendship, or, of course, the golf, millennials love the opportunity to snap a picture and click share.
4. Exercise
With no gym facilities open across Canada, millennials are looking for places to exercise that isn’t usually their kitchen, bedroom, or basement.
Golf Canada research suggests players burn approximately 2000-2500 calories during a round while walking a minimum of 9,000 metres. Golfers will exceed 10,000 steps over 18 holes.
My scores haven’t been great and that’s an understatement. But there were some numbers I liked from a recent round: 13,000 steps taken and 9 kilometres walked while climbing the equivalent of 23 floors. My mantra: Golf is good for me.
The golf course is not just a place to get together with friends for a hot dog at the turn, but it’s a place to burn off the one-too-many hotdogs from being quarantined.
5. Sense of Normalcy
If there were one place where millennials could feel as if they were participating in a “normal” activity, it would be the golf course.
Those lucky enough to have access to a car can jump in it, see their friends or family members at the parking lot of the golf course, play 18 holes together and catch up, and then drive home.
“The tee sheet has been busy. We couldn’t accommodate all the requests to play the first weekend,” says Fox from Islington, showing that people are just anxious to get back to something that makes them feel as if they are doing something as normal as possible these days.
From a business standpoint as well, the golf industry in Canada has a $19.7-billion impact on economic activity in the country. According to recent Carleton University COVID-19 stats, younger Canadians are more bullish about reopening the economy.
“Golf employs a ton of people,” says Sam Wills, a PGA of Canada Assistant Professional at Deer Valley Golf Club in Regina. “From an economic standpoint, getting golf courses getting open is a great thing.”
6. Responsibility for the greater good
A new 10-year-long study from the Case Foundation of 150,000 millennials revealed that one of the top-10 takeaways is that millennials care about social issues.
The ability for millennials to be part of the safe reopening of the economy while caring for the health and safety of their fellow man makes golf so important in the millennial ethos.
“We continue to evaluate our protocols daily in such an evolving landscape,” says Brian Mossop, the general manager of Shaughnessy Golf and Country Club. The club was closed for several weeks to have the opportunity to completely re-evaluate its services and service-related items.
And while millennials continue to practice physical distancing, it can be done with aplomb on the golf course.
“Golf,” Wills from Deer Valley says, “is safer than going into a grocery store right now.“
7. Hope
While millennials have been blamed for everything from the demise of chain restaurants to cereal, one thing is true—this group has hope.
During an unprecedented time in our history, when you combine all the good things about golf (social health, physical health, mental health, fun, positive economic impact, environmental benefits, and more) it gives millennials hope for what can come on the other side of this pandemic.
“Shortly after we opened earlier this month, we received an email from someone who had played here and thanked the staff for a great experience and helping them to feel ‘normal for the first time in two months,’” says Decker at TPC Toronto. “That really hit home for our team and confirmed for us that golf can play a really positive role in these times.”
Whether you’re picking up the game for the first time, returning to golf after a bit of a break, or if you’re a long-time player just thrilled to be able to get back out there again for the 2020 season, it’s imperative to follow the guidelines as listed by your golf course or club. The new rules are in place to reflect government and health organization best practices as we all navigate this global pandemic safely. And although your time at a golf course may look different than in year’s past, one thing should remain the same: be sure to treat the golf-course staff with respect and understanding. We’re all in this together.]]>
Golf Canada's 2020 National Amateur Championships cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic
Tsawwassen, BC – 03 August 2018 – Canadian Junior Girls Championship at Beach Grove Golf Club in Tsawwassen, BC. (Chuck Russell/Golf Canada)
OAKVILLE, ONT. (Golf Canada) – Due to continued health concerns as well as government restrictions on travel and group gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic, Golf Canada has cancelled all of its amateur golf competitions for the duration of the 2020 season.
The National Sport Federation had previously announced the cancellation or postponement of a number of its junior and amateur competitions scheduled through mid-June.
“National amateur competitions have been a proud focus throughout our 125-year history and while we share in the disappointment of competitors, our host clubs and event volunteers, the most important consideration is the health and safety of the people who come together at our championships,” said Golf Canada CEO Laurence Applebaum. “Ongoing travel restrictions—both international and across some provincial borders—in addition to continued restrictions on larger group gatherings and limitations on player training were significant contributors to this decision. We are also sensitive to the needs of our host clubs to ensure a safe and healthy environment for their staff and members.”
The 107th Canadian Women’s Amateur Championship, one of the top-ranked women’s amateur events in the world that attracts many international athletes, was scheduled to begin in five weeks at The Royal Montreal Golf Club from July 21-24. In addition, the 116th Canadian Men’s Amateur which features a 264-player field was scheduled to take place at The Glencoe Golf & Country Club in Calgary, Alta. from August 3-6 – marking the 125th anniversary of this storied championship. The cancellations will mark the first time since the second World War where these two national championships will not be conducted.
Golf Canada has also announced that the National Orders of Merit will not be awarded in 2020. The purpose of the points-based rankings is to identify and give recognition top-performing male and female amateur and junior golfers across Canada who have achieved success in the golf season. The decision to not award the Orders of Merit was made recognizing the varying access Canadian golfers will have to domestic and international competitions, and the resulting difficulty in running an equitable ranking system. Golf Canada will look to resume the Orders of Merit on September 1st, 2020 for the 2021 rankings. For more information, please visit the National Orders of Merit page by clicking here.
Golf Canada and Golf Ontario previously announced the cancellation of the 7th annual World Junior Girls Championship, scheduled for September 30 – October 3, 2020 at Angus Glen Golf Club in Markham, Ont.
Golf Canada annually conducts more than 20 championships nation-wide which play host to more than 3,000 domestic and international athletes from all corners of the world. In partnership with our host clubs, thousands of volunteers, provincial golf associations and our proud sponsors, Golf Canada is dedicated to supporting player development through world-class competition since our inception in 1895. Officiated by certified Canadian Rules of Golf referees, Golf Canada’s amateur competitions are fully compliant with golf’s international governing bodies and include marquee events such as the Canadian Men’s and Women’s Amateur Championships as well as the Canadian Junior Girls and Junior Boys Championships. Golf Canada’s amateur championships are proudly supported by RBC, Canadian Pacific, Sport Canada, Levelwear, Titleist and FootJoy. For more information and scheduling visit
all golf courses across Canada permitted to open, golfers are encouraged to post their scores when they tee it up this season.
Posting your scores is absolutely important to maintain a consistent Handicap Index as part of the unified World Handicap System.
As a safety measure under COVID-19 protocols, golfers are not permitted to use kiosks found at local clubs or pro shops until further notice to reduce social touch points.
Login at
Click “Post a Score”
Login using your member credentials
If you have forgotten your password, follow the prompts or click here
Post your score
Choose the golf course
Enter all applicable information
Members are encouraged to post scores hole-by-hole in order to ensure the correct adjustment of Net Double Bogey (your maximum hole score for handicap purposes)
Post using the Golf Canada mobile app
Open the mobile app on your Apple or Android device
Tap the Post a Score button
Choose the golf course
Members are encouraged to enter hole-by-hole scores
Post your score
How do I track my stats?
Members can enter their statistics for each game by selecting which stats they wish to maintain such as Fairways in Regulation (FIR), Putts, Penalty Strokes, Driving Distance etc.
Post their score Hole-By-Hole and select “Yes” in the “Track Stats” bar.
Enter in the statistical fields they wish to track and click “Post Score.”
How do I delete or edit a score?
Members can edit their scores at any time but can only delete an unedited score within 24 hours from the time the score was posted. After 24 hours or if an edit has been made, only the club administrator can delete a score. Scores that are edited will be denoted by a “#” beside the score in the scoring record.
Click on the “Pencil” icon to the right of the appropriate score.
Make the adjustment(s) to the score and click “Post Score.”
There may be some clubs that have changed their default setting (which may not allow golfers to edit or delete at all).
What if the course I played isn’t found in the directory?
If the club a golfer is looking for is not listed, please notify Golf Canada at or 1.800.263.0009 x4520. All member courses in Canada will appear in the course directory. Please note that courses that are not current members in Canada do not have valid course and slope ratings and scores from these courses cannot be entered for handicap purposes.
Not a member? Join Canada’s largest golf community here.
St. George’s Golf and Country Club agrees to host 2021 RBC Canadian Open
Photo by Brent Foster
TORONTO – Golf Canada and title sponsor RBC have confirmed that the membership of St. George’s Golf and Country Club in Toronto has agreed to host the 2021 RBC Canadian Open, with nearby Islington Golf Club housing the official practice facility for the tournament.
The two facilities were scheduled to host the 2020 RBC Canadian Open this week (June 8-14), prior to the event being cancelled because of international travel and government restrictions related to the COVID-19 global pandemic.
“Together with our partners at RBC and the PGA TOUR, we are very pleased with the overwhelming support by the members of St. George’s Golf and Country Club to host the RBC Canadian Open in 2021,” said Golf Canada CEO, Laurence Applebaum. “The cancelation of our 2020 event due to the COVID-19 pandemic was disappointing and there is now a great enthusiasm as we pivot our full efforts alongside our partners and team of volunteers to making 2021 a great success. I want to thank the membership and the board of directors at both St. George’s and Islington for continuing in this journey towards what will be a truly special edition of the RBC Canadian Open.”
“We are thrilled to host the 2021 RBC Canadian Open at St. George’s Golf and Country Club,” said Mary DePaoli, Executive Vice-President and Chief Marketing Officer, RBC. “As one of the top five golf courses in Canada, and one of the top 30 in the world, St. George’s is not only an incredible golf course but a world-class venue. Building off of last year’s momentum, we look forward to working together with our partners at Golf Canada and the PGA TOUR to make next year’s event one to remember.”
A date for the 2021 RBC Canadian Open is not yet confirmed and will be made public as part of the PGA TOUR’s 2021-22 tournament schedule announcement.
St. George’s Golf and Country Club has previously hosted the RBC Canadian Open on five occasions, dating as far back as 1933 and most recently in 2010.
Part of the FedExCup and conducted by Golf Canada for more than a century, the RBC Canadian Open provides an opportunity for Canada’s top talents to compete against the world’s best golfers while also leaving a significant impact in the event’s host community. The RBC Canadian Open is proud to support the Golf Canada Foundation as the event’s official charity partner. Established in 1904, Canada’s national open golf championship is the third-oldest national open golf championship worldwide next to the British Open and the U.S. Open. The RBC Canadian Open is proudly sponsored by RBC, Audi, Acushnet, Steam Whistle, Hilton, Levelwear, Coca-Cola and the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada.]]>
th, Golf Courses have been granted permission to operate at their own discretion as long as they have an Operations Plan in place that meets or exceeds the general guidelines from Public Health paving the way for Reduced Tee Time Intervals, Renting of Pull Carts, Opening of Retail Shops, and Expanded Food & Beverage Services.
The opening of Golf Courses across the province has been a fluid situation. With the introduction of the “Orange Phase“on May 8th, Golf Courses now have the ability to manage their facility and aspects of their operations as they see fit and with the health and well-being of members and staff as a top priority. During the provincial re-opening stages, Golf NB has provided clubs with recommendations and guidance on operations during COVID-19 along with select mandated requirements as implemented by the Province of New Brunswick. The Friends & Family Bubble was introduced when the province transitioned into the “Yellow Phase” of its COVID-19 Re-Activation Phases on May 22nd. The Yellow Phase presents facilities with the option to allow Bubble Family and Friends to share a cart together. While this option is now available, it is up to individual clubs to determine if they wish to make this option available to their members.* Please note that all areas of New Brunswick are currently in Phase Yellow, excluding ZONE 5 which remains in Orange Phase.
While golf clubs have been given flexibility, services will vary from club to club, and golfers should note that there are several restrictions that are still in place, which for the time being will be consistent across the province, including but not limited too;
Power Carts may only be used by one individual for the duration of the round. NOTE: Carts may be shared with members of a Friends & Family Bubble
Exemptions to the above apply if occupants reside in the same household and bubble families and friends. Be advised, each club will have their own policies surrounding whether members of “bubble families and friends” can share a power cart or not. Golfers should ALWAYS defer to the instructions and guidelines as set forth by the golf course.
Flag Sticks- Golfers can continue to expect to be asked not to touch the flagstick, and leave the flag still in the cup at all times.
Raised Cups- Raised cups are no longer required, but golfers can expect to see facilities continue to reduce a golfer’s ability to remove their ball from the hole. Clubs may choose to use a “hands-free” ball retrieval device or may continue to block the cup entirely.
TouchPoints- It is Golf NB’s recommendation that facilities continue to eliminate touchpoints on the course which includes but is not limited to Bunker Rakes, Ball Washers, and Benches.
Golf NB would like to thank all of our Member Facilities and Players for their continued support during these unprecedented times. Clubs across the province have been working tirelessly in order to safely operate and continue to keep players and staff health and safety as a top priority.
As a player, you can assist clubs in creating a safe environment by doing the following:
MARKHAM, ONT. – With continued public health concerns due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, Golf Canada in partnership with Golf Ontario has cancelled the 2020 World Junior Girls Championship, scheduled to take place September 28 to October 3 at Angus Glen Golf Club in Markham, Ont.
“The well-being of all athletes, international delegates, host club staff and volunteers is our top priority and while we share in the disappointment felt by all, cancelling the 2020 World Junior Girls Championship is the most sensible and safest course of action to take at this time,” said Golf Canada CEO, Laurence Applebaum.
In addition to ongoing health concerns and uncertainty around the pandemic, a number of physical barriers contributed to the cancellation including international travel restrictions, limitations on mass gatherings, the inability for all participants to prepare and train equally, and the financial capacity of participating national golf bodies during this difficult time.
The 2020 event was expected to welcome 78 athletes from 25 countries including two Canadian teams.
“We understand that all of our athletes, coaches and international delegations continue to be impacted by the pandemic and the only course of responsible action was a cancelation,” said Mike Kelly, Golf Ontario Executive Director. “We would like to thank Angus Glen along with all of our proud event partners and we look forward to welcoming everyone back to the championship when it is safe to do so.”
The 2021 World Junior Girls Championship will be contested at Angus Glen Golf Club from September 27 to October 2.
“We share in the disappointment felt by all members of the international golfing community, especially the athletes who have worked so hard to compete at this level of competition,” said Cailey Stollery, Chief Executive Officer of Angus Glen and Kylemore Group of Companies. “Ultimately, the health and safety of everyone involved in the championship is most important and we look forward to welcoming everyone back to Angus Glen for the 2021 championship.”
The World Junior Girls Championship is conducted by Golf Canada in partnership with Golf Ontario and supported by the R&A and the International Golf Federation. Recognized as an ‘A’ ranked event by the World Amateur Golf Rankings (WAGR), the 2020 World Junior Girls Championship would have marked the 7th playing of the event.]]>
Golf NB Finalizes 2020 Event & Championships Schedule
For Immediate Release:
With the ongoing uncertainty and global concern related to COVID-19, Golf NB has continued to evaluate all aspects of its business to operate and make informed and responsible decisions within the best interests of our athletes, staff, volunteers, host clubs, partners and other stakeholders health and well-being.
Further to the already announced event cancellations (CLICK HERE) and after great deliberation, the Golf NB Executive Committee announces the following changes and amendments to its 2020 Golf NB Event & Championships Schedule;
Golf NB Event Confirmations – Golf NB is pleased to announce that the following Golf NB Events & Championships have been confirmed for the 2020 golf season and will be operated under a revised set of guidelines and protocols that will be announced in the coming weeks.
As part of its ongoing COVID-19 response, Golf NB has cancelled the 2020 East Coast Junior Championship, NB Pee Wee (U-12) Boys & Girls Championships, NB Family Classic & Adult Junior and the Jim Connolly “Little Swingers” events. Additionally, the NB Bantam (U-15), Juvenile (U-17) and Junior (U-19) Boys & Girls Championships and Men’s Mid-Master Championship will be contested as part of their respective 2020 NB Ladies and Men’s Amateur Championships, as outlined below;
NB Ladies Provincial Championships – July 5 to 7, 2020
Lakeside Golf & Country Club
The NB Ladies Provincial Championship will consist of the following divisions resulting in the naming of the following 2020 Provincial Champions;
NB Bantam Girls (Under 15) Provincial Championship
NB Juvenile Girls (Under 17) Provincial Championship
NB Junior Girls (Under 19) Provincial Championship
NB Women’s Amateur (All ages) Provincial Championship
NB Women’s Mid-Amateur (25+) Provincial Championship
NB Women’s Senior (50+) Provincial Championship
NB Women’s Super-Senior (60+) Provincial Championship
Women’s Platinum Division (70+) NOT a Provincial Championship (Divisional Prizing Only)
NB Men’s Amateur Championship – July 10 to 12, 2020
Royal Oaks Golf Club
The NB Men’s Amateur Championship will consist of the following divisions resulting in the naming of the following 2020 Provincial Champions;
NB Bantam Boys (Under 15) Provincial Championship
NB Juvenile Boys (Under 17) Provincial Championship
NB Junior Boys (Under 19) Provincial Championship
NB Men’s Amateur (All ages) Provincial Championship
NB Men’s Mid-Amateur (25+) Provincial Championship
NB Men’s Mid-Master (40+) Provincial Championship
Senior Men’s Division NOT a Provincial Championship & played from a forward tee
NB Senior Men’s Championship – July 20 to 22, 2020
Miramichi Golf & Country Club
The NB Senior Men’s Championship will consist of the following divisions resulting in the naming of the following 2020 Provincial Champions;
NB Senior Men’s (55+) Provincial Championship
NB Senior Men’s (65+) Provincial Championship
Golf NB Event Cancellations – With the continued closures of provincial borders, the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the availability of hotels, restaurants and general food & beverage options, combined with Golf NB’s desire to limit any unnecessary exposure to COVID-19 for staff and volunteers the Golf NB Executive Committee regretfully announces the cancellation of the following 2020 Events & Championships;
East Coast Junior Championship (Cancelled) – June 23 & 24, 2020
NB Pee Wee Championships (Cancelled) – June 30 & July 1, 2020
NB Junior Championship (See Amateurs) – June 30 to July 2, 2020
See NB Ladies Provincials & NB Men’s Amateur Championship for more information
NB Mid-Master Championship (Men’s Amateur) – July 20 to 22, 2020
See NB Men’s Amateur Championship for more information
NB Family Classic & Adult Jr. (Cancelled) – August 10, 2020
Jim Connolly “Little Swingers” (Cancelled) – August 10, 2020
ServiceMaster NB Golf Fore The Cure (Cancelled) – August 19-2020
Golf NB Event Restrictions and Operational Changes – In addition, the event postponements, confirmations, and cancellations noted above, Golf NB will be implementing the following event restrictions and operational changes for all 2020 events and championships;
1. Golf Only – All Golf NB events and championships will be “Golf Only”. Golf NB will not be providing any food and beverage or hosting any social functions as part of its 2020 events or championships. Additionally, any gatherings at or around the club will be subject to the respective golf course “Operational Plan” and mandated Public Health Guidelines as set forth by the Province of New Brunswick.
2. Tee Times – All Golf NB events will consist of a 1st tee start only. “Split tees” or “Shotgun” starts will not be used at any point.
3. Maximum Field Sizes – In an effort to ensure efficient movement of participants around the property, as well as to provide the greatest opportunity to meet all required physical distancing measures, the maximum field size for the NB Ladies Provincials and NB Senior Men’s Championships will be reduced to 99 participants. The maximum field size for the NB Men’s Amateur Championship will be reduced to 144 participants.
4. Protected Field Sizes – In an effort to ensure the integrity of all field sizes and championships, Golf NB will be implementing “Protected Field Sizes” for both the 2020 NB Ladies Provincial Championships and Men’s Amateur Championships. The fields for 2020 Golf NB Events & Championships will be protected as follows
5. No Spectators or Caddies – In an effort to limit the number of individuals on, and around, the golf course at any given time, Golf NB will be implementing a strict no spectator or caddies policy for all events. Players found to have spectators following their group or choosing to use a caddie during their round will be subject to discipline under Golf NB’s Player Code of Conduct.
6. Player Residency Requirements – 2020 Golf NB events and championships will be restricted to New Brunswick residents only. Out of province participants, MAY be granted exemptions provided they have been living within the province of New Brunswick for a minimum of 14 days prior to the first round of competition (ex. Individuals who have summer properties in NB and are living in NB at the time of the championship).
7. Prize Presentation – There will be no prize presentation following the completion of the competition. Prize winners will be posted on the Golf NB Tournament Information Page and Golf NB Gift Certificate will be mailed to all winners following the completion of the event. A complete list of 2020 Golf NB Championship Guidelines will be distributed to competitors prior to each event and championships.
2020 Provincial Teams– While Golf Canada has yet to make any announcements regarding the status of its various 2020 National Championships, given the association’s uncertain financial situation due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the Golf NB Executive Committee has decided that no Provincial Teams will be named for Golf Canada National Championships in 2020. Additionally, Golf NB will provide no financial or human resources support to players choosing to attend a National Championship as an exempt player.
National Championship Exemptions– Golf NB will continue to allocate available exemptions into Golf Canada events and championships, should they proceed, based on player’s result at the applicable Provincial Championships.
Golf NB Event Cancellation Policy – All Event & Championship protocols, as published on March 17, 2020, will remain in effect, until further notice, for all other 2020 Golf NB Events & Championships;
Golf NB strongly recommends that competitors enter any events scheduled in which they intend to play this season. In the event, Golf NB cancels the event or the competitor needs to withdraw, entry fees will be 100% refunded.
Golf NB will require 25% of the maximum field as outlined in the Tournament Information Page for each event. If Golf NB cancels the event as a result of insufficient registrations, entry fees will be 100% refunded.
Championships will be cancelled not postponed.
A complete list of Golf NB Events and Championships is available by CLICKING HERE.
The decision to cancel competitions, implement new restrictions, and amend event operations as noted above was not taken lightly. However, given these unprecedented times, Golf NB believes it is the best course of action. The safety and well-being of our championship competitors, tournament staff and volunteers along with your club’s members and staff are paramount to Golf NB and we feel it is incumbent upon the organization to do everything in our power to name our Provincial Champions while limiting any unnecessary exposure to COVID-19 for all involved.
Golf NB shares in the disappointment of clubs, players, and volunteers and we thank the New Brunswick golf community for its patience and understanding during this extraordinary time.
Please direct any questions by email to:
Tyson Flinn
Golf NB Executive Director
Luke Lacey
Golf NB Director of Promotions & Member Services]]>